· nfts collections ·

FOUR SEASONS is a collection of Bitcoin NFTs by Grace Hye (Visuals) and Manuel Gimferrer (Music). Starting September 2023, 12 NFTs have been minted for every season. The Piano Scores are offered to our collectors for Download including a Commercial License for Public Performance.
Listen to the music and to the composer as he explains about the sources of his inspiration for every piece in the video-showcase below.
Read more about The Four Seasons Project here

By verifying that you are a collector of the NFT with your special Key
you can unlock the piano scores and more token-gated goodies  


Collectors Edition Scores

About the Composer. Trained as a classical pianist and orchestral conductor, Manuel Gimferrer is exploring different ways of musical expression, including composing and embracing technology to create that necessary link between our great musical legacy and future listeners. Since 2022 Manuel is exploring new ways to share his music using Bitcoin NFTs .